Giant Monstera: Monstera Deliciosa

It is simple to see why the Monstera Deliciosa (also known as Giant Monstera) is undoubtedly one of the most well-liked indoor plants.

Monstera is incredibly lovely, from its recognizable split leaves to its various shades of rich green. These climbing perennials, which are unique to the rainforests of Central America, are distinguished by their enormous leaves and enormous aerial roots. It is only reasonable to question how you may grow your own enormous Monstera Deliciosa at home given how huge they can get in the wild.

Monsteras have an expressive nature. For example, the size of their leaves usually indicates their age, and their drooping stems show a need for water. Their biological make-up and physical make-up also reveal how they flourish in their native habitat. You may cultivate a big Monstera Deliciosa by trying to mimic these settings as closely as possible.

Giant Monstera leaves in Maui (Hawai). The laves can get up to 18 inches in width.
Giant Monstera leaves in Maui (Hawai). The laves can get up to 18 inches in width.

How can you raise a massive Monstera Deliciosa on your own? Monstera growth is affected by a number of variables, including the season, sunlight, temperature, humidity, container size, and soil quality. A happy plant will result from optimizing and knowing the specifics of these settings, which will also help your Monstera to grow bigger and more quickly.

Giant Monstera Overview

Monstera deliciosa and Monstera adansonii are the two varieties of Monstera that are grown as indoor plants. In addition to having entirely enclosed leaf holes, Monstera adansonii differs from M. deliciosa by having longer, tapering leaves. Leaf holes on Monstera deliciosa eventually develop, move toward the edge, and then open up.

Monsteras are unusual, easy-going houseplants with beautiful leaves that have stunning hole patterns. It is well known that monstera plants have unique leaf patterns. Fenestrations are the name for the slits and holes seen in Monstera leaves. As climbing plants, monsteras love to trail over the edge of the container or cling to a post or trellis.

Though they hardly ever bloom or produce edible fruit inside, they are one of the few aroids that produce edible fruit. Especially Monstera deliciosa, which is a member of the Araceae, the Aroid Family like the Mishima Plant. Although the indigenous peoples of Central America had been familiar with monsteras for a very long time, the botanical community only became publicly aware of them in the early 20th century, like many aroids.

Giant Monsteras are among the most popular indoor plants. With their big and unique leaves they spice up every apartment.
Giant Monsteras are among the most popular indoor plants. With their big and unique leaves they spice up every apartment.

Growing Conditions for Monstera Deliciosa


Place the monstera plant in filtered, indirect sunlight to promote growth in a manner that mimics the tropical habitat to which they are used. Avoid harsh direct light since it may cause the monsteras’ leaves to turn yellow or burnt. Remember that they are accustomed to walking on the forest floor in the dappled light. Always remember that a plant’s leaves will suffer more from direct light than it will from indirect light. Most houseplants enjoy temperatures between 65°F and 85°F (18°C and 30°C). It’s ideal to keep the temperature above 60°F (15°C). They can feel quite at home with the addition of a little dampness.


Moderate amounts of irrigation are necessary for the monstera plant. Before giving your plant a drink, always determine how much water it needs. You may determine how dry the soil is by pricking your finger into it. Give the soil a drink if it is dry up to a depth of one to two inches. Since an extremely saturated soil that remains soggy or too wet might cause root rot, monsteras like a peaty, well-draining soil. You may water once a week and make sure that any extra water drains.


Although normal room humidity will do, humid circumstances are preferred. Use a fine-mist mister or humidifier to increase the humidity level in the room. In order to give your plant a particular treat if you live in a dry area, spray it in the morning so that the water has time to evaporate before sunset.


Even when grown inside, monsteras may get rather big. Since most potting soil is nutrient-fortified, houseplants can initially get all they need from that. However, after dwelling in the same pot and soil for 6 to 12 months, Monsteras exhaust all the nutrients present and run out of what they require to develop. Maintain the soil’s moisture and provide a liquid fertilizer for leaf plants once each month. During its growing season, monsteras should have fertilizer applied every two weeks to once every month.


To sustain their expanding root system, monsteras need to be replanted every two to four years. In order to allow it more room to develop, you should often pick a container that is 2 to 4 inches (5-10 cm) wider and taller than the plant. If you choose to keep your plant at its current size, remove some of the roots and leaves, add fresh soil, and repotted in the same container. When repotting, make sure you have a healthy soil mixture because it is the plant’s only source of nutrients. To facilitate easier water flow, you may add coat the bottom of the pot with gravel or clay pebbles. Make sure your container has adequate depth because monsteras will grow.

How to Propagate Monstera Deliciosa by Seed

Monstera deliciosa propagation can be done by seeds, germinating within a few weeks. However, the seedlings are extremely slow to develop. In addition, the seeds may be difficult to come by, as it can take anywhere from a year or more before mature fruit is produced by flowers. The small, pale green seeds also have a very short shelf life, unable to dry well or handle cool temperatures. Therefore, they must be used as soon as possible.

Like any other plant, seeds may be started by gently covering them with a thin coating of dirt. Keep them wet, but don’t stress too much about the light. They strangely grow away from the light, reaching instead for the shadows in quest of something to climb on.

How to Propagate Monstera Deliciosa by cuttings

Stem cuttings are the preferred method of monstera propagation. Cuttings of the Monstera Deliciosa are simple to root. When using cuttings, you may either root them in water first or just bury them in the ground. Cuttings should be made immediately following a leaf node, with the bottom-most leaves removed. After a few weeks of rooting in water, either transplant the plant cuttings into a container or partially bury them in the soil.

Pruning: How to Trim Your Monstera and Why

Starting at the base of the stem, remove any outdated or damaged leaves. Cut where you want the plant to grow if you are pruning to promote growth. Make a top cut if you want it to grow higher. When the time comes to actually trim your monstera, keep in mind that pruning promotes growth so choose where to make your cuts.


A Monstera deliciosa can grow to what size?

In the wild, Monstera deliciosa plants can grow to a height of 50 feet (15.24 m) or more, which is an astonishing height. Of course, they don’t get this enormous indoors, but they may grow to heights of 10 to 15 feet with an 8-foot spread. These enormous plants can have mature leaves that measure 18 inches in width.

Where would you place a Giant Monstera?

The optimum location for a huge Monstera is next to a wall that offers additional support for the plant. It may be put in a corner where it will have lots of space to spread out as it grows.

How Large Are Monstera Leaves?

A fully established Monstera deliciosa can have enormous leaves, some of which are over two feet broad. Considerably though they can become even more noticeable in the wild, an indoor Monstera is unlikely to ever grow wider than two feet. However, new Monsteras have smaller leaves at first. A seeding’s initial sprouts will only be a few inches broad at most. Over time, as the plant becomes established and you learn exactly what type of care it needs to thrive, the leaves will become bigger.

Final Thoughts

Although growing a gigantic Monstera plant may be a lot of fun, there are occasions when you just don’t have the space. When yours starts to fill up its territory, it’s necessary to take action to keep it in check and limit its growth.

You may achieve this by trimming your enormous Monstera plant, limiting the quantity of light it receives, and using less fertilizer. However, if you have the room, why not enjoy its immensity! It’s an indication that you’re a really good plant parent, and there’s no doubt that a plant this large will be the central focus of any space.