Best Books to Grow Weed

Growing weed is not easy, and one can make many mistakes. Learn growing cannabis from experts to get healthy plants.

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There can be various reasons on why you’re looking into growing weed. You can grow it for your needs or to build a business. To succeed and save time, it’s good advice to learn from experts who spend years or even decades mastering the art of growing weed.

Cannabis Grow Bible book cover. One of the best books to grow weed!
Cannabis Grow Bible book cover. One of the best books to grow weed!

We summarize some of the most influential books around growing weed, such as the famous Cannabis Grow Bible by Greg Green. Some of the books use a more scientific approach. Recent legislation in some states in the US started a new boom in research to increase THC and grow more healthy plants in a fraction of the time. While some of the basic rules stayed the same, a leap forward in technology allowed us to build new tools.

Let’s get started with the books!

The Cannabis Grow Bible

This book is a comprehensive guide to growing cannabis that covers many topics. It’s a large book with over 700 pages tackling everything in the process, from growing cannabis with detailed step-by-step instructions. This book got positive reviews from several well known magazines and over 1k reviews on Amazon.

The Cannabis Grow Bible includes everything from the history of marijuana to the science behind cannabis cultivation, selecting and maintaining the right strain, and indoor and outdoor growing techniques. The book is written in an easy-to-understand language and features many illustrations and photographs to help readers follow the instructions.

This book covers indoor and outdoor growing techniques and includes selecting the right strains for your location, maximizing your yields, and harvesting and curing your plants. The book is also known for its focus on producing high-quality cannabis and features a section on producing cannabis concentrates.

I’ve heard that this book is well-regarded among cannabis growers and enthusiasts, and many people have found it helpful for improving their cannabis growing skills. If you’re interested in growing cannabis, “The Cannabis Grow Bible” might be a valuable resource to add to your collection.

Over 700 pages and 1k reviews on Amazon make this book an excellent pick for anyone interested in growing cannabis.
Over 700 pages and 1k reviews on Amazon make this book an excellent pick for anyone interested in growing cannabis.

You can find the Cannabis Grow Bible on Amazon. We recommend a physical book as it’s easier to take notes and work with it around your plants.

Cannabis Grower’s Handbook

This Cannabis Grower’s Handbook by Ed Rosenthal focuses on the latest findings from research. Learn which LED lights to use and how additional supply of CO2 and stimulate faster growth of the cannabis. Ed is writing books around marijuana since over 50 years and is one of the most famous authors in this domain. The Cannabis Grower’s Handbook has almost 700 pages full of information.

The Cannabis Grower’s Handbook focuses mostly on indoor growing techniques. It covers a wide range of topics related to indoor cultivation, such as selecting the right lighting, managing humidity and temperature, and dealing with pests and diseases. The book also includes detailed information on plant physiology and how to use that knowledge to optimize your yields. Ed Rosenthal is known for focusing on organic and sustainable growing methods.

The Cannabis Grower's Handbook by Ed Rosenthal combines knowledge about growing cannabis.
The Cannabis Grower’s Handbook by Ed Rosenthal combines knowledge about growing cannabis.

7 Steps To Grow Cannabis

For the ones that want fewer details and a more beginner friendly book, the 150 pages of 7 Steps To Grow Cannabis might be a great fit. The book is well written and easy to follow. The author, Mr. Grow It, is one of the most successful YouTubers around cannabis. If you’re trying to grow your first weed, this might be the perfect fit for you!

7 Steps To Grow Cannabis is a solid resource for beginners who are looking for a step-by-step guide to growing cannabis. However, if you’re looking for more in-depth information or are an experienced grower, you may want to look for a more comprehensive guide.

7 Steps to Grow Cannabis by Mr. Grow is a beginner friendly book.
7 Steps to Grow Cannabis by Mr. Grow is a beginner friendly book.

Marijuana Horticulture: The Indoor/Outdoor Medical Grower’s Bible

If you’re looking for a good reference book with lots of illustrations, Marijuana Horticulture is the one you need. It teaches all the basics of growing the plants. But be aware that this book is from 2006 (with recent revisions) and does not cover all the recent advancements around LED lighting or CO2 stimulation. If you’re more interested in the high-tech possibilities, you should go for another book. If you’re growing a few plants at home and don’t need to optimize, this book is great!

The book by Jorge Cervantes is a great resource for both beginners and experienced growers.

The Marijuana Horticulture is a classic book that teaches you all the basics.
The Marijuana Horticulture is a classic book that teaches you all the basics.

This book also covers medical use of cannabis, which makes it unique compared to the others in our list.

Cannabis: A Beginner’s Guide to Growing Marijuana

The Beginner’s Guide to Growing Marijuana by Danny Danko, an editor of High Times magazine, is probably one of the simplest guides you can find. With it’s 144 pages, it’s also one of the shortest. In this book you learn everything from a-z with nice illustrations. A great getting started guide. This masterpiece is often called the most simple entry book to grow weed. The book is from 2018 and, therefore, fairly new. On Amazon this book has over 1k reviews.

One part that differentiates this book from others is it’s focus on organic and sustainable growing methods. An area otherwise only covered slightly by Ed Rosenthals books.

Cannabis by Danny Danko is one of the shortest books about growing cannabis and is filled with nice illustrations.
Cannabis by Danny Danko is one of the shortest books about growing cannabis and is filled with nice illustrations.

Green: A Field Guide to Marijuana

Written by Dan Michaels, the Field Guide to Marijuana is seen as a encyclopedia of weed. Fully packed with insights from research, this book provides a great reference with high quality pictures. If you’re interested in the various strains of cannabis, this book should be your choice. Use this book as a reference and guide when working with old and new strains, as it covers over 170 strains of marijuana.

This book is more like a reference as it’s organized by strains and covers their genetic background, effects, medicinal uses and growing tips. The book also contains large images of buds and leaves that help you quickly identify different strains.

The Field Guide to Marijuana by Dan Michaels is one of the best references when working with different cannabis strains.
The Field Guide to Marijuana by Dan Michaels is one of the best references when working with different cannabis strains.

Dan is founder os a cannabis research and insight group called SinseMedia.

Beyond Buds, Next Generation

The last book in our collection, Beyond Buds, Next Generation, is focused on the future of consuming cannabis. Whereas most other books focus on how to grow weed, this is about new ways of consumption. Also written by Ed Rosenthal, writer of Cannabis Grower’s Handbook, in 2018. Learn about different ways of extraction and other methods of using leftovers of the plant besides the bud. This book comes at a great time when the world is looking to reduce waste and be more environmental friendly.

In this book Ed Rosenthal focuses on extracting concentrates such as extracts, oil and other forms of cannabis. I’d recommend this book only for more advanced growers that want to experiment with creating oils and extracts.

Beyond Buds, Next Generation, written by Ed Rosenthal.
Beyond Buds, Next Generation, written by Ed Rosenthal.

If you know other great books about how to grow weed, please reach out!