Duck flowers are beautiful flowers due to their size and vibrant colors. Many species are well-known for their traditional medicinal use.
The biggest flower in Belize and the Hamanasi Garden is the “Duck Flower” (A. grandiflora). Ten distinct species may be found in Belize, and several of them are frequently called to locally as “Guaco” as well as “Duck Flower.”

Duck Flower Description and Features
Smooth or downy leaves with a heart shape are common. The flower is shaped like a pipe, with the base like a sack and the end resembling a trumpet. It can range in size from 10 to 18 cm (3-7 inches). The colors are arranged in a pattern with white in the inner, and they can be yellow, black, or both.
The florals are present for two days, appearing as a male flower on the second day and as a female flower on the first. Its decaying meat-like smell attracts flies. Many young butterflies, such the cattle heart and swallowtail, rely on the duck flower as a food source throughout their larval stages, therefore including the duck flower in the garden boosts our chances of seeing these lovely butterflies.
The blooms feature hairs that point downward, trapping insects in their pouches and ensuring that pollen is delivered to the stigma, or female portion, by the insects. The imprisoned insects are covered with pollen when they attempt to flee on the second day, when pollen is generated. The plant hairs that were blocking their exit wilt, allowing the pollen-carrying insects to be freed to pollinate other flowers.
Origin of the Duck Flower
Aristolochia grandiflora, also known as the duck flower, is a native of the Caribbean, Central America, and Eastern North America. The Duck flower is also present in the gardens of Hamanasi and Belize. It may also be found in the lowlands of southern Mexico, from Panama to Jamaica. It is a rare Jamaican plant that is collected on deciduous vines in the country’s highlands. It thrives in areas that are close to or run beside streams, rivers, or slopes, get direct sunshine, are well-drained, and occasionally have midday shade.
Growing Requirements
- Light Preference Full Sun, Semi-Shade
- Water Preference Moderate Water
- Propagation Method Seed

Taking Care for the Duck Flower Plant
Water Requirements
In the summer, the substrate must be continuously moist, but in the winter, when it is dormant, it is best to water just when we see that the surface is starting to dry up, especially if we are growing it inside.
Sun and Temperature Requirements
Depending on your climate, choose full sun or semi-shade. If it is humid, you can have it in full sun. Better to sit in the shade if it’s hot and dry. It may be planted beneath a tree and let to thrive in tropical areas. It is crucial to shield it against wind or extreme cold.
If you are growing the duck plant indoors, one solution is to keep it in a pot all the time, letting her out in the spring and summer and bringing her inside in the fall when the temperature will drop below 5ºC (41° F).
Weather Requirement
It is a tropical plant that cannot withstand any form of freezing on its own. Because of the persistent cold, it stops growing, sheds its leaves, and finally dries up the entire stem. It can withstand a mild frost if it is covered with a lot of straw and thermal geotextile mesh, but only because the cold does not get to it. So, its best to have the inside to give them a proper chance to grow. They do well as annuals in hardiness zones 5–9 and perennials in zones 10+.
Pruning of the Duck Flower
As always, whether you prune it or not depends on your preferences; the plant does not require it. Pruning climbing plants is usually advised to keep them under control. We will need to cut off any branches that sprout in undesirable locations and direct them to climb in desired locations. Additionally, it appears that vigorous pruning promotes its growth.
It goes without saying that if we don’t live in a tropical environment, we will have to trim it if we want to maintain it indoors, especially if its roots are damaged because it was planted in the ground. It is advised to plant the pruning scraps since this plant is rather uncommon and sensitive.
Both seeds and cuttings can be used to replicate it. The likelihood that it will ultimately produce a pod from which you may collect seeds when it opens increases if you have many plants together. Simply plant the pruning trash for cuttings, and some will grasp. Bury parts of the plant’s branches that are still connected to it instead, since this will promote the roots development. Mineral fertilizer should be used once a month in the spring and summer. Aphids and mites are two potential attackers.
Breeding flies drawn to the scent of the flower pollinate Aristolochia grandiflora. Various essential oils combine to create the smell. To reach the utricle, which contains the reproductive organs, flies descend the tubular portion of the flower. Trichomes that border the tube guide the fly toward the utricle and prevent it from exiting.
There are three primary stages of reproduction. The fly that is bringing pollen from other flowers pollinates the carpel in the first stage. The stamen matures during the second phase, releasing pollen instantly. This stage is one day long. The fly consumes the honey generated along the utricle walls while it is ensnared inside the flower. The fly is subsequently given the all-clear to fly away, signaling the trichomes to wither. Before flower senescence and abscission happen in the third phase, the complete reproductive process takes place over the course of two days.
Benefits of Growing Duck Plant Indoors
Although this plant cannot be consumed, there is a thing known as the duck flower detox. Because it is an organic, wild-crafted alkaline plant with many health advantages, it is utilized as a traditional medicinal herb in Jamaica. The duck flower is renowned for its ability to effectively and quickly detoxify the body within 6 to 8 hours. The stem, leaves, and roots of this flower are often utilized components. Also, it is used by people as an antioxidant, analgesic, and anti-inflammatory drug. However, the concern is: Is it safe for everyone?
One thing you should be aware of before beginning the duck plant detox is that there are several adverse effects. 3–4 hours after intake, the adverse reactions begin. Hot flushes, perspiration, and nausea are the first symptoms. It possesses chemical qualities that might induce miscarriage or abortion when ingested by pregnant women.
Herbs are essential if you know how to use them. The duck flower is the ideal to grow if you want a rapid detox because it is a potent remedy. However, this cleanse should never be used by anybody under the age of 18, pregnant women, or breastfeeding moms in particular. Additionally, avoid consuming it without first consulting your doctor or a medical professional for guidance.